Bitcoin is the best investment you could make in 2017.


The US national debt is expected to be 20 Trillion dollars by 2020. The deficit continues to grow, and this borrowed money is going towards benefitting multi-national corporations instead of building socio-economic infrastructure. Meanwhile, university students are graduating with 100k in student loan debts with high interest, and no one is hiring. 

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Wollongong Bitcoin Broker Fees: 

3% under 50k; 2% 50-100k; 1% over 100k

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The irresponsible money lending practices that led to the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 are still being practiced. Traditional banking institutions are still loaning money to individuals and companies with bad credit, to make short-term profits from high interest, even if this involves a high risk of default. The US Federal Reserve continues to print USD at a 2% annual inflationary rate. This means every dollar that you earn in 2017 will be worth 98 cents by 2018. This is why I bottle of Coca-Cola cost 15 cents in the 1920's, but costs $3.5 today.

Bitcoin works the complete opposite of how fiat currencies (like USD) function. The supply of Bitcoin is becoming increasingly limited and harder to obtain. This will ensure this price of Bitcoin continues to rise, as consumer adoption and demand continues to grow at an unprecedented rate. By ratio & percentage of supply, owning one Bitcoin out of the 21 Million that can ever exist, is like owning 47 cars out of all the cars that exist in the world. People who say it's too late to buy Bitcoin at $4,000, will also be asking if it's too late to get into Bitcoin when it's at $20,000. CryptoCurrency is still in its early adoption phase as of September 2017; it is only the tip of the iceberg. 1 Bitcoin is like buying a financial life preserver, as it's the best asset class to prevent against value distruction.